I hope everyone’s preparations are well under way for the fantastic 2013 Motoscape Banger Rally.
I just thought I would share a few tips to make the event better than ever and hopefully save you time and hassle along the journey……….
1/ Should I decorate the car?
It’s up to you, but there are cash prizes for the best decorated cars but more importantly the vast majority of teams do decorate their cars and it adds to the spirit of the event!
Take a look at some previous banger creations!
2/ Should I wear fancy dress for the start of the rally?
My answer would be YES! Why not, its great fun and creates fantastic memories for the photo album!
3/ What are the most important things I need for the rally?
a) Passport and driving licence (if you are driving).
b) MOT and insurance / V5 for your vehicle.
c) Some money for tolls/fuel and a few beers.
d) A European sat nav (with Eastern Europe) makes the navigating much easier, but you can use the old fashioned way of maps if you prefer!
e) A phone with camera or a separate digital camera to do the challenges and savour the memories.
f) Roaming data internet access to enable challenges to be sent back wirelessly.
g) A sense of humour and a touch of common sense, we will help you as much as possible but remember it’s not a primary school trip.
4/ What can I do to make sure my car is road ready?
Test your car as much as you can in terms of brakes / clutch and cooling, most car issues are either brakes or overheating and these can be avoided if you spend a bit of time giving your vehicle a bit of TLC before the rally.
5/ How can I make the most of each day?
Timing is important!!! Bring an alarm clock, it’s worth getting up early and you will see so much more during the day and it gives you more time to complete the daily challenges.
6/ What if my banger breaks down?
The safety net is European breakdown cover. It’s great to have a backup plan, so if you can afford it, then this is a must have before you set off on the adventure of a lifetime!
If you have any queries or questions, just email [email protected] or ring Paul on 07854 251890.