Motoscape Banger Rally: Day 1, Saint-Omer
51 weeks and the wait is finally over! It’s time to start the engines and hit Europe…
The Motoscape team set off from Leeds to Hull to board the zeeberger Ferry . We were joined on the waters by 6 teams. Keeping it in the family this year were father and Daughter team TuffOldBoot John and Rosie, father and son Team 1 Dad & Son Connon and Gordon and Father and son team CSK Motosport Chris and Shane. Also joining us on board were our Scottish teams Steve and Chris from T-Time, Eric and Sarah from Fanny and Knobby and just making it after a last minute co-pilot drop out, Steven and Alex from Not fast or furious.
After a steady night on the ferry the Motoscape team headed through Belgium to France to meet the teams in Saint-Omer. Upon arrival everybody was raring to go for Day 1 of the rally. All the teams made it in one piece and were welcomed into the car park to a mix of 70’s 80’s and 90’s tunes. Everybody made an outstanding effort with the car designs and its looking a little like Wacky races do Europe… This year even saw an appearance from The STIG who’s true identity was kept top secret, of course.
Once everybody was signed in and registered it was over to the organisers! Never one to shy away from a little European weather we muscled through the briefing before dashing inside as the heavens opened.
After a short introduction from The Motoscape Team members it was time to show some recognition to our outstanding Veterans, the list of which grows longer and longer each year. It’s always great to see old faces returning for a second, third, fourth and even fifth year! This years Veterans received an exclusive T shirt and warm applause from the crowd!
Veterans for 2015:
Team CSK Motosport- Chris and Shane 3rd time Veterans
Team T Time- Steve 3rd time Veteran
Team How to get to Sesame street- Christyna 3rd time Veteran and Stephen 5th time Veteran
Team Fanny and Knobby – Eric 3rd time Veteran
Team Wong Way- Sam and Marcus 3rd time Veterans
We always have reason to celebrate the start of the rally but this year an extra celebration was in order for Cassey who has arrived on her 24th Birthday, Champagne was on Pete for birthday girl and the East Four on Tour members.
Each year we have a wide range of ages joining us and 2015 is no different. Lilli of Team Lilli’s legends is just 7 years old, making her our youngest competitor to date.
Motoscape is about having fun and enjoying yourself but for over 80% of the teams this year it was also a fantastic opportunity to raise money and more importantly awareness for their favourite charities .. Beer was available with small donations gathered to enter a prize raffle draw to add to one lucky teams charity pot. Our diamond girl Lilli drew the winner, making a nice top off for The Warrington team 1 Eric, Irene and Cliff who have spent months raising money for St. Rocco’s hospice and End Polio now.
Luckily the shower was short lived and cleared up just in time for us to head into St. Omer to sample the local beer. The Queen Victoria is a popular spot for us each year and never fails to disappoint with a wide selection of fantastic beers, wines and spirits to drink amongst the locals. With a early start in the morning, we headed back through the square and stopped for a quick peek at Saint-Omer Cathedral (Cathedral Notre-Dame) highlighted in the cobbled streets, this beautiful gothic architecture has withstood over 800 years of wars and revolution. Time to head back to the hotel for a nightcap and get our heads down for a good nights rest, all the cars were quietly tucked into the car park waiting to burn the rubber tomorrow morning.
Check out the teams below:
Day 2 is the drive to Koblenz in Germany, with many teams heading to drive the world famous Nurburgring. Check in tomorrow for the latest goings on…
For the latest info, news, photos and daily updates visit our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages on the links below.
Don’t forget to Like, follow and re-tweet along the way!!
The wildest week, so far so good!