Yesterday saw all 29 teams congregate in St Omer for the first day. The sun shone, beers were drunk whilst all admired each other’s cars and exchanged car stories. We had a bucket collecting any spare change for the charity prize draw. To everyone’s delight, Dudley and Josh from the Viking Warriors team won the bucket of change for their various charities and to our astonishment a total of £144.60 was collected during the afternoon as spare coins suddenly changed to crisp notes being thrown in. Well, on behalf of Dudley and Josh, THANK YOU Motoscapers for being so so generous!!
Last night saw teams wander in to the quaint town of St Omer with it’s beautiful church and French restaurants. Motoscapers then congregated in the Queen Vic pub for drinks and no doubt more car stories to share.
This morning started with a heavy shower of rain but that didn’t put a dampener on anyone, many Motoscapers donned their fabulous costumes and let us happily snap away on the camera. Motoscape Banger of the Year was announced and the Mad Max themed team, Fury Road, won the coveted title with Richard and Samantha collecting their £100 prize.
It was very difficult to choose 2nd and 3rd place this year, so out of all the good entries, we chose four teams for a special mention each of whom collected a bottle of champagne. In no special order, they were: Blockheads with their Lego themed car, The Carpenters with a wood grain effect Mercedes, Art of Cooking 3 with an artistic, vintage style suitcase MX5 and Pandemonium with a cute tin can Fiat Panda. Well done to everyone and we appreciate a lot of time, effort, money, blood, sweat, sometimes tears goes in to obtaining a car to bring on Motoscape Rally.
On that note, we feel we’d like to give a special mention to team Cops and Knockers, John and Gabby, who unfortunately at the last minute in the UK, had to ditch their police themed car as there were some serious mechanical issues which could not be resolved. They have shown true Motoscape grit and spirit and still joined the rally but with a last minute car they’ve found. We know John spent many months working very hard on meticulously building, fixing and painting the police themed car and we can only say we are really sorry John and Gaby but thanks for still coming and taking part :-)
Now on to another unfortunate story, unfortunately. Team It was alright in the 90s, have not had an alright Sunday morning as to their horror, Richard and Colin discovered they have lost their car keys whilst out in St Omer last night. The A Team kindly gave Richard a lift up to town to have a look, no luck. Later on Peter and Kevin gave the boys a lift up in the Motoscape van to another part of town, but no keys materialised. This means that Richard and Colin have had to stay behind at the hotel trying to find a way to see if they can access their car. We hope Richard and Colin are ok and we are really sorry lads for your misfortune :-(