So the Motoscape 2010 Push on to Prague Rally has come to an end! And I’m sure you all want to know who’s won?
Well we won’t keep you waiting, congratulations… Blue Waffle! Squadies Matthew, Deano and Oz walk away with the £700 cash prize as well as the £300 they won through the daily challenges. So the guys have raised £1000 for their charities, Help for Heroes and ABF – The Soldiers Charity through not to mention all the other fundraising their team (and the Smoke my Bandit team of Stu, Anneliese, Mark and Wildey) did prior to the rally. They even managed to get their car donated, so they can sell it when they get back and give the proceeds to the charities too!
It just goes to show that you can do something different to raise money for charity and have an amazing experience at the same time. Well done Blue Waffle, a team name none of us will ever forget!
Final Results for the Prague – Top 3:
1st Place: Blue Waffle
2nd Place: Team Sick Pigeon
3rd Place: Drive Through Bandits
Well Done to all the teams!!!