The 2012 Motoscape Rally is Now Full

We are delighted to announce that the 2012 Motoscape Banger Rally is now full!!!

This is quite amazing as we are only in February. It is definitely the fastest take up rate ever, so a big, big thank you to everyone who has registered. It’s an awesome experience!!!

There may be some additional spaces released if any teams need to cancel their booking due to unforeseen circumstances, therefore please complete our “register as a reserve” form if you want to be put on the reserve list. This will be on a strict first come first served date order basis to be fair to all teams.

This year’s rally is gearing up to be the biggest and best in Motoscape history and the organisers, Paul, Peter and Mark are busy working hard to ensure all hotels, challenges and information packs are all first class.

Here are a few tips for the registered teams:

1. Beg, borrow or buy a European Sat Nav (including eastern Europe if you are going to Prague)… they are invaluable!!! The purists can of course use a compass and map book.

2. Digital camera / quality camera phone with the ability to send data over the internet (this is useful if you are running late to ensure the daily challenges are sent before the cut off time).

3. Try and obtain your car early and drive it around for a while. Drive it up long hills in low gear / high revs. This will generally identify many potential issues with the car.

4. Decorate the car! It’s worth making the effort!!! Most teams really do go that extra mile and you never know, you may win the “best-decorated car” cash prize.

5. Bring a few quid for some beers, wines or lattes (whatever floats your boat) and a sense of humour! The trip is a fantastic way to get a taste of Europe, have a few laughs along the way and meet a great bunch of people.

…………………… and finally SET OFF IN GOOD time for the meet in St Omer. Registration will open from 12.00 midday and the earlier you arrive the more people you will get to know, plus if there are any issues with your car there will be lots of people willing to help in the car park!

Don’t forget, you can join our Facebook page (Click LIKE) and follow us on Twitter to communicate with fellow “Motoscapers” and get the latest news, updates and pre-rally build up.

If anybody has any question don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0113 282 3181 or drop us an email at [email protected].

Paul, Peter and Mark
The Motoscape Team

Welcome to the 2012 Motoscape Rally

A warm welcome to everyone already registered to take part in the 2012 Motoscape Rallies to Venice & Prague.

There are plenty of new and familiar faces registered so far and we are hoping this is going to be the best Motoscape Rally yet!

The Motoscape Team are busy booking hotels for everybody and fine tuning the routes to make the whole experience a genuine “trip of a lifetime” in 2012.

We will be forwarding the welcome packs in the next few weeks so please check your inboxes. The packs will give you lots of information and tips on preparing for the rally.

In the meantime you can join our Facebook page (Click LIKE) and follow us on Twitter to communicate with fellow “Motoscapers” and get the latest news and updates.

The Facebook page currently has 690 fans, this time last year we had around 250 fans, so our aim for 2012 is to get over 1000 Facebook fans. You can help us with this, simply visit our Facebook page below and click the LIKE button, it’s that simple!

We are also pleased to announce that the bookings are up significantly on this time last year and so anybody not already registered please book early. Once the rallies are full, we cannot accept more teams! There are currently 36 teams registered meaning there’s just 24 places left on the rally with our busiest months for bookings approaching!

And remember, any all-girl teams out there can still get a discounted entrance fee of £125 per team (for 2 girls) + £35 per additional female team member. Simply quote “GIRL2012” in the promotional code area on our registration form.

If you have any queries or want advice, drop us an email or give us a call on 0113 282 3181, and we hope to see you at the start line!