So, you’ve registered on the rally, got your banger (or classic car), sorted your travel plans and done everything else on your checklist, but you want your friends family to be able to follow your progress building up to and while your on the rally, but don’t know what to do! Well fear not Motoscapians, our guide shows you what you need to do to get a website for your team online. Check it out below:
OPTION 1: The free method
The best way (in our opinion) to get some web presence for your team, without having to pay a penny is to use a free service to host a blog, such as It’s really easy to use, there’s videos and tutorials showing you what to do, and once you’ve signed up, you can give the web address to your friends and family, and they can view your process along the way!
Note: Another free alternative to that we recommend is the Check out the features the two have and see which is best for you! If you do a little google on, free website, you’ll see more alternatives too.
OPTIONS 2: The do it yourself method
If you now a bit about computers and web design, then why not build one yourself! What you will need to start with is the following, a domain name and web hosting. Then build your site to how you want it to look and get it uploaded. However if you’re not confident at building sites, but want your site to have it’s own domain name, we recommend the following. Install the wordpress blogging software on your hosting server (as used in this very blog) from (different to Simply download, upload to your server, install and your ready to go. There’s tons of free themes out there that can make your website / blog look really professional. The external hard drivers used this method for their website and it look great!
Resources: For cheap domains and reliable web hosting we recommend –
OPTION 3: Bring in the pros
If you want your website to look the bees knees, and you have a little of your budget left over, then why not get a pro company to design you a site for your team that will look immense! The Dick Dastardlies from our 2009 rally did this and there site received great interest, and even made it onto the homepage of the Motoscape website.
So there you have it, check back soon for our guide to getting your team on the social networking band wagon!